Three of Wands Tarot Card Upright, Reversed, Timing, Love Meaning, Yes/No, Advice, and more

Learn absolutely everything about Three of Wands tarot card: the meaning, the spiritual interpretation, the love meaning, the card as advice, as a yes or no answer, the timing, the numerology... EVERYTHING!

Three of Wands Rider Waite

Upright Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

expanding horizons, exploration, looking for new opportunities

Reversed Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

adversity, rigidity, playing small, unexpected delays, follower, unexplored

Three of Wands Tarot Card Astrology, Zodiac Signs, and Planets


The Meaning of Three of Wands Tarot Card

The 3 of Wands is a card that signifies new opportunities, expansion, and growth. It is a card that speaks of the potential that exists within us to create something new and exciting. This card reminds us that we have the power to manifest our dreams and desires, and that we should always be open to new possibilities.

When the 3 of Wands appears in a reading, it suggests that the seeker is on the verge of something big. They have laid the groundwork for success and now it is time to step into their power and take action. This card encourages the seeker to have faith in themselves and their abilities and to trust that the universe is supporting their endeavors.

The 3 of Wands is a card of progress and momentum. It is a sign that the seeker is moving forward and that things are starting to fall into place. This card encourages the seeker to keep pushing forward and to remain focused on their goals. It is a reminder that success is within reach, but it requires hard work and dedication.

A Description of Three of Wands Tarot Card

In the Rider Waite Tarot Deck, the 3 of Wands depicts a figure standing on a cliff overlooking the sea. In front of them, three wands are planted firmly in the ground, representing the foundation the seeker has built. In the distance, ships sail off to new horizons, symbolizing the opportunities that await the seeker.

The figure in the card stands confidently, looking out to the horizon with a sense of excitement and anticipation. They are dressed in bright colors, signifying their enthusiasm and positive attitude. The sea represents the unknown and the seeker's willingness to take risks and explore new territory.

Mundane and Everyday Meanings of Three of Wands Tarot Card

List of Physical Objects:

  • Passport
  • Suitcase
  • Laptop
  • Business Card

List of Situations:

  • Planning a trip overseas
  • Starting a new business venture
  • Expanding a current business
  • Receiving an opportunity for growth or promotion

Timing of Three of Wands Tarot Card

The 3 of Wands indicates a timing of about three days. This specifically corresponds to a time of awakening to your passion and desires.

Numerology of Three of Wands Tarot Card

The number 3 is associated with creativity, growth, and expansion. It represents the Trinity and the power of three to create something new. The three wands in the card symbolize the synergy that exists when we work with others to create something bigger than ourselves.

The number 3 is also associated with the Ascended Masters and the spiritual realm. This suggests that the seeker is receiving guidance and support from the spiritual realm as they pursue their goals and desires.

The combination of the number 3 and the Wands suit signifies a powerful creative energy that is available to the seeker. This card encourages the seeker to tap into their creative potential and to use it to manifest their dreams and desires.

Spiritual Interpretation of Three of Wands Tarot Card

From a spiritual perspective, the 3 of Wands represents the universe's willingness to work with us to create our desired reality. This card reminds us that we are co-creators of our lives and that our thoughts and actions have the power to manifest our desires.

The 3 of Wands also speaks to the importance of being open to new experiences and opportunities. It encourages us to trust that the universe has our best interests at heart and that everything is happening for our highest good.

When this card appears in a reading, it is a reminder to stay positive and to focus on what we want to create in our lives. It is a sign that our thoughts and actions are aligned with our desires and that we are on the right path.

Three of Wands as an Advice Card


If you draw the 3 of Wands in a work-related reading, it is a sign that you are on the right path and that success is within reach. This card encourages you to keep pushing forward and to remain focused on your goals. It also reminds you to stay open to new opportunities and to be willing to take risks in order to achieve success.

Some advice that the 3 of Wands may offer in a work context includes:

  • Expand your network and make connections that can help you achieve your goals
  • Be open to new opportunities and take calculated risks
  • Stay focused on your goals and don't let distractions get in the way
  • Trust that you have the skills and abilities to succeed

Personal Growth

If you draw the 3 of Wands in a personal growth reading, it is a sign that you are ready to step into your power and manifest your desires. This card encourages you to believe in yourself and to trust that the universe is supporting your endeavors.

Some advice that the 3 of Wands may offer in a personal growth context includes:

  • Stay positive and focus on what you want to create in your life
  • Take action towards your goals and trust that the universe will support you
  • Be open to new experiences and opportunities that come your way
  • Remember that you are a co-creator of your reality and that your thoughts and actions have the power to manifest your desires

Further Advice from this card:
  • go explore something new
  • it's time to expand
  • look for new opportunities
  • look to the future

Is Three of Wands a yes or no?

Note: Tarot Cards are never as simple as "yes" or "no". There is always a bigger context or meaning behind each card, in each situation. The following list is meant as a guideline or suggestion only.
Yes, try something new
No, reversed.

Love and Relationships Interpretation of Three of Wands Tarot Card

The 3 of Wands in a love and relationships reading signifies a time of growth and expansion. For those who are single, it suggests that new opportunities for romance may be on the horizon. It encourages the seeker to remain open and receptive to new experiences and to trust that the universe is working in their favor.

For those who are in a relationship, the 3 of Wands suggests that the partnership is on the path to growth and evolution. The couple may be exploring new territory together, such as planning a trip or starting a new project. This card encourages the couple to remain open to new experiences and to work together as a team to create something exciting.

Advice for Single People:

  • Remain open and receptive to new experiences
  • Trust that the universe is working in your favor
  • Take risks and explore new territory
  • Be confident in yourself and your abilities

Advice for People in Relationships/Marriages:

  • Work together as a team to create something new and exciting
  • Remain open to new experiences and opportunities
  • Communicate openly and honestly with each other
  • Support each other's goals and dreams

Overall, the 3 of Wands encourages us to have faith in ourselves and in the universe. It reminds us that we have the power to manifest our desires and to create something new and exciting in our lives. Whether we are single or in a relationship, this card suggests that growth and expansion are on the horizon and that we should remain open to new experiences and opportunities.