Four of Cups Tarot Card Upright, Reversed, Timing, Love Meaning, Yes/No, Advice, and more

Learn absolutely everything about Four of Cups tarot card: the meaning, the spiritual interpretation, the love meaning, the card as advice, as a yes or no answer, the timing, the numerology... EVERYTHING!

Four of Cups Rider Waite

Upright Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

greed, self-absorption, apathy, ignoring gifts, withholding affection, lacking motivation

Reversed Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

novelty, retreat, refusing to go within

Four of Cups Tarot Card Astrology, Zodiac Signs, and Planets


The Meaning of Four of Cups Tarot Card

The 4 of Cups tarot card is a symbol of contemplation, introspection, and reflection. It encourages us to pause and reflect on our lives, emotions, and experiences. The card shows a young man sitting under a tree with crossed arms, looking down at the three cups in front of him while a fourth cup is being offered to him by a hand from the sky. The man seems disinterested and bored with the cups, suggesting that he is not fully engaged in the present moment.

The 4 of Cups tarot card is often interpreted as a warning against complacency, apathy, and emotional stagnation. It suggests that we may be missing out on opportunities for growth, fulfillment, and joy by focusing too much on our problems, fears, or regrets. The card invites us to open our hearts and minds to new possibilities, perspectives, and experiences. It reminds us that happiness is not something that can be found outside of ourselves but rather within ourselves.

A Description of Four of Cups Tarot Card

In the Rider Waite Tarot Deck version of the 4 of Cups card, we see a young man sitting under a tree with his legs crossed and arms folded. He appears to be lost in thought and oblivious to the surroundings. Three cups are placed in front of him, while a fourth one is being offered by a hand emerging from the clouds. The sky is gray, and the ground is green, suggesting a sense of boredom and dissatisfaction with the present situation.

The man's posture and facial expression suggest that he is not fully present in the moment and is lost in his thoughts and emotions. He seems to be focused on the three cups in front of him, ignoring the fourth one that is being offered to him. The cup offered by the divine hand represents a new opportunity or blessing that he is overlooking.

Mundane and Everyday Meanings of Four of Cups Tarot Card

  • Feeling uninspired or unfulfilled in a job or relationship
  • Being offered an opportunity but rejecting it due to fear or uncertainty
  • Being stuck in a rut or routine
  • Having difficulty making a decision
  • Feeling disconnected from others or oneself
  • Dealing with emotional or mental blockages
  • Going through a phase of introspection or soul-searching
  • Experiencing a spiritual awakening or crisis

Timing of Four of Cups Tarot Card

The 4 of Cups indicates a timing of about 4 months. This specifically corresponds to a time where you might be not expecting it.

Numerology of Four of Cups Tarot Card

In numerology, the number four represents stability, security, and foundation. It is associated with the four elements (earth, air, fire, water), the four directions (north, south, east, west), and the four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter). The number four also relates to practicality, hard work, and responsibility.

When combined with the cups suit, which represents emotions, relationships, and creativity, the 4 of Cups tarot card suggests that we may need to find a balance between our emotional needs and our practical responsibilities. We may be feeling overwhelmed or burdened by our daily duties and may need to take a break to nurture ourselves and recharge our emotional batteries.

Spiritual Interpretation of Four of Cups Tarot Card

Spiritually, the 4 of Cups tarot card represents a call to spiritual awakening and expansion. It suggests that we may be missing out on spiritual growth and blessings by focusing too much on material concerns and desires. The card invites us to connect with our higher self, our angels, and the divine realm to receive guidance, inspiration, and support.

The fourth cup offered by the divine hand symbolizes the gifts and blessings that are available to us if we open our hearts and minds to receive them. The hand from the sky represents the intervention of the divine, reminding us that we are not alone and that we can always ask for help and guidance from a higher power.

The 4 of Cups tarot card is also a reminder that sometimes we need to detach from the material world and go within to connect with our spiritual essence. By doing so, we can gain clarity, insight, and wisdom that can help us navigate through life's challenges and find inner peace and fulfillment.

Four of Cups as an Advice Card

For Work

If you're feeling uninspired or unfulfilled in your job, the 4 of Cups tarot card advises you to take some time to reflect on what you truly want and need in your career. Don't settle for a job that doesn't align with your values or passions. Instead, explore your options and be open to new opportunities that may come your way. Connect with your inner guidance and seek the support and advice of others who can help you achieve your goals.

For Personal Growth

The 4 of Cups tarot card suggests that you may need to take a step back and assess your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Are you feeling stuck, stagnant, or disconnected from yourself or others? If so, take some time for introspection, meditation, or spiritual practice. Reconnect with your inner wisdom, your angels, and the divine realm to receive guidance, inspiration, and support. Trust that you are capable of overcoming any challenge and finding happiness and fulfillment in your life.

Further Advice from this card:
  • withdraw from the situation
  • meditate
  • focus on yourself

Is Four of Cups a yes or no?

Note: Tarot Cards are never as simple as "yes" or "no". There is always a bigger context or meaning behind each card, in each situation. The following list is meant as a guideline or suggestion only.

Love and Relationships Interpretation of Four of Cups Tarot Card

For Single People

If you're single and feeling lonely or disconnected, the 4 of Cups tarot card advises you to focus on self-love and self-care. Take some time to nurture your emotional and spiritual wellbeing, explore your passions and interests, and connect with like-minded people who share your values and goals. Trust that the universe has a plan for you and that you will attract the right partner when the time is right.

Advice for Single People:
  • Focus on self-love and self-care
  • Nurture your emotional and spiritual wellbeing
  • Explore your passions and interests
  • Connect with like-minded people who share your values and goals
  • Trust that the universe has a plan for you

For People in Relationships and Marriages

If you're in a relationship or marriage and feeling bored, uninspired, or unfulfilled, the 4 of Cups tarot card suggests that you may need to communicate your needs and desires to your partner. Don't settle for a relationship that doesn't make you happy or fulfill your emotional needs. Instead, express your feelings, listen to your partner's perspective, and work together to find a solution that works for both of you. If necessary, seek the help of a counselor or therapist to improve your communication and connection.

Advice for People in Relationships and Marriages:
  • Communicate your needs and desires to your partner
  • Don't settle for a relationship that doesn't make you happy or fulfill your emotional needs
  • Express your feelings and listen to your partner's perspective
  • Work together to find a solution that works for both of you
  • Seek the help of a counselor or therapist to improve your communication and connection if necessary