Three of Cups Tarot Card Upright, Reversed, Timing, Love Meaning, Yes/No, Advice, and more

Learn absolutely everything about Three of Cups tarot card: the meaning, the spiritual interpretation, the love meaning, the card as advice, as a yes or no answer, the timing, the numerology... EVERYTHING!

Three of Cups Rider Waite

Upright Three of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

friendship, community, energy, support, group, sharing, celebration

Reversed Three of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

independence, too much partying, ending, introversion, three's a crowd

Three of Cups Tarot Card Astrology, Zodiac Signs, and Planets


The Meaning of Three of Cups Tarot Card

The 3 of Cups is a card of celebration, joy, and social gatherings. It represents a time of happiness and friendship, where people come together to enjoy each other's company. This card is all about enjoying the good things in life and expressing gratitude for the people who make life worthwhile.

In tarot, the number 3 is associated with growth and creativity, so the 3 of Cups can also symbolize the growth of relationships and creative projects. It encourages us to celebrate our successes and the successes of those around us, and to enjoy the abundance that life has to offer.

From a spiritual perspective, the 3 of Cups can be seen as a message of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in our lives. It reminds us to take the time to celebrate our achievements and to express gratitude for the people who support us along the way.

A Description of Three of Cups Tarot Card

In the Rider Waite Tarot Deck version of the 3 of Cups, three women are shown dancing together in a circle, holding cups high in the air. They are dressed in colorful robes and wreaths of flowers, and the sky behind them is a bright blue. The scene is one of joy and celebration, with a feeling of camaraderie and friendship among the women.

Overall, the card is a visual representation of the joy and celebration that the 3 of Cups represents. The colors, clothing, and setting all contribute to the festive atmosphere of the card, encouraging us to embrace the joy and abundance in our lives.

Mundane and Everyday Meanings of Three of Cups Tarot Card

Physical Objects:

  • Champagne or other celebratory drinks
  • Party hats and decorations
  • Gifts or tokens of appreciation
  • Photos or souvenirs of fun events


  • Weddings and other celebrations
  • Reunions with friends or family
  • A night out with good company
  • Successful creative projects or collaborations

Timing of Three of Cups Tarot Card

The 3 of Cups indicates a timing of about 3 months. This specifically corresponds to a time where you're feeling particularly social.

Numerology of Three of Cups Tarot Card

The number 3 is associated with growth, creativity, and social interactions. It represents a time of expansion and abundance, where things are moving forward and new opportunities are opening up. In the 3 of Cups, this energy is focused on social connections and celebrations, encouraging us to embrace the joy and abundance in our lives and to express gratitude for the people who make life worthwhile.

Spiritual Interpretation of Three of Cups Tarot Card

The 3 of Cups is a message from the angels that it's time to celebrate the good things in life. They want you to know that you are surrounded by loving and supportive people who are celebrating your successes with you. This card encourages you to take the time to express gratitude for the blessings in your life and to celebrate the growth of your relationships and creative projects.

The angels want you to know that joy and celebration are important parts of your spiritual journey. By embracing the abundance and joy in your life, you are raising your vibration and attracting even more positivity into your life. So take the time to celebrate, express gratitude, and enjoy the good things in life!

Three of Cups as an Advice Card


  • Celebrate your successes with your colleagues and team
  • Plan social outings with your coworkers to strengthen your bonds
  • Express gratitude for your supportive work environment
  • Celebrate creative projects and collaborations with your team

Personal Growth:

  • Take the time to celebrate your personal achievements, no matter how small
  • Express gratitude for the people in your life who support and inspire you
  • Attend social gatherings and events that bring you joy
  • Create new friendships and strengthen existing ones

Further Advice from this card:
  • celebrate
  • focus on abundance
  • community is important
  • friendship is important

Is Three of Cups a yes or no?

Note: Tarot Cards are never as simple as "yes" or "no". There is always a bigger context or meaning behind each card, in each situation. The following list is meant as a guideline or suggestion only.
Yes, with others
No, reversed.

Love and Relationships Interpretation of Three of Cups Tarot Card

For single people, the 3 of Cups can indicate that it's time to get out there and socialize. This card encourages you to attend social events, join clubs or organizations that interest you, and be open to new friendships and connections. By focusing on building strong social connections, you are increasing your chances of meeting someone special who shares your values and interests.

For people in relationships or marriages, the 3 of Cups is a reminder to celebrate the joy and abundance in your relationship. Plan fun outings, celebrate important milestones, and express gratitude for each other regularly. By focusing on the positive aspects of your relationship and expressing gratitude for each other, you are strengthening your bond and increasing the overall happiness in your relationship.

Advice for Single People:

  • Attend social events and gatherings
  • Join clubs or organizations that interest you
  • Be open to new friendships and connections
  • Express gratitude for the supportive people in your life

Advice for People in Relationships or Marriages:

  • Plan fun outings and celebrations together
  • Express gratitude for each other regularly
  • Focus on the positive aspects of your relationship
  • Support each other's growth and creative projects