Eight of Cups Tarot Card Upright, Reversed, Timing, Love Meaning, Yes/No, Advice, and more

Learn absolutely everything about Eight of Cups tarot card: the meaning, the spiritual interpretation, the love meaning, the card as advice, as a yes or no answer, the timing, the numerology... EVERYTHING!

Eight of Cups Rider Waite

Upright Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

having to move on, feeling dreary, looking for the self, letting go

Reversed Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

trying again, aimless drifting, going back

Eight of Cups Tarot Card Astrology, Zodiac Signs, and Planets


The Meaning of Eight of Cups Tarot Card

The 8 of Cups is a powerful tarot card that represents leaving behind the old and embracing new beginnings. This card is all about taking a step back and reflecting on what is truly important in your life. It's a reminder that sometimes you need to let go of the past in order to move forward into a brighter future.

When you see the 8 of Cups in a reading, it often suggests that you may be feeling unfulfilled in some area of your life. Perhaps you have achieved a certain level of success, but it hasn't brought you the happiness that you expected. This card encourages you to reevaluate your priorities and seek out a new path that aligns with your values and passions.

Ultimately, the 8 of Cups is a card of transformation and growth. It's a reminder that it's never too late to change course and pursue your dreams. By leaving behind what no longer serves you, you can create space for new opportunities and experiences to enter your life.

A Description of Eight of Cups Tarot Card

In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, the 8 of Cups depicts a figure walking away from a stack of cups. The cups are arranged in a neat row, symbolizing the material possessions and achievements that the figure is leaving behind. The figure is walking towards a dark and mysterious mountain range, representing the unknown path that lies ahead.

The moon shines brightly in the sky, illuminating the figure's journey and offering guidance through the darkness. The river in the foreground represents the flow of emotions and the need to release attachments and move forward with a clear mind.

Overall, the image of the 8 of Cups is one of letting go and setting out on a new adventure. It's a powerful visual representation of the transformative energy of this card.

Mundane and Everyday Meanings of Eight of Cups Tarot Card

Physical Objects

  • Packing up and leaving a house or apartment
  • Getting rid of old clothes or possessions


  • Leaving a job or career path that no longer fulfills you
  • Ending a relationship that has run its course

Timing of Eight of Cups Tarot Card

The 8 of Cups indicates a timing of about 8 months. This specifically corresponds to a time where you've recently emotionally given up on something.

Numerology of Eight of Cups Tarot Card

In numerology, the number 8 represents balance, harmony, and infinity. It's a powerful number that signifies the cyclical nature of life and the need to find a sense of equilibrium between opposing forces.

The appearance of the number 8 in the 8 of Cups reinforces the idea of letting go and embracing new beginnings. It suggests that by releasing what no longer serves you, you can create space for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Spiritual Interpretation of Eight of Cups Tarot Card

From a spiritual perspective, the 8 of Cups represents the call to explore new realms of consciousness and expand your spiritual horizons. It's a reminder that there is always more to learn and discover on your path towards enlightenment.

This card encourages you to let go of any attachments to material possessions or worldly achievements that may be holding you back from your spiritual growth. By embracing a more minimalist and intentional lifestyle, you can create space for deeper spiritual connections and experiences.

Ultimately, the 8 of Cups is a powerful reminder to trust in the universe and have faith that your journey is unfolding exactly as it should.

Eight of Cups as an Advice Card


If you're feeling unfulfilled in your current job or career path, the 8 of Cups encourages you to take a step back and evaluate your priorities. Consider what truly brings you joy and purpose, and explore new opportunities that align with those values. Don't be afraid to take risks and embrace new challenges. Trust that the universe has a plan for you, and that by following your heart, you will find success and fulfillment in your work.

Personal Growth

In your personal life, the 8 of Cups encourages you to let go of any relationships or situations that no longer serve your highest good. This may be difficult, but trust that by releasing what no longer serves you, you are creating space for new and positive experiences to enter your life. Take time to reflect on what truly brings you happiness and fulfillment, and don't be afraid to pursue those passions with enthusiasm and dedication.

Further Advice from this card:
  • it's time to move on
  • withdraw yourself from the situation
  • focus on your emotional fulfillment

Is Eight of Cups a yes or no?

Note: Tarot Cards are never as simple as "yes" or "no". There is always a bigger context or meaning behind each card, in each situation. The following list is meant as a guideline or suggestion only.
Probably not.

Love and Relationships Interpretation of Eight of Cups Tarot Card

For single individuals, the 8 of Cups suggests that it may be time to let go of any past relationships or patterns that are holding you back from finding true love. This card encourages you to take a step back and reflect on what you truly desire in a partner and a relationship. Don't settle for less than what you deserve, and trust that by releasing what no longer serves you, you will create space for a loving and fulfilling relationship to enter your life.

For individuals in relationships or marriages, the 8 of Cups suggests that it may be time to reevaluate the current state of your relationship. Are you truly fulfilled and happy, or are there areas that need to be addressed? This card encourages you to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, and to work together to create a relationship that aligns with both of your values and desires. If necessary, don't be afraid to let go of a relationship that is no longer serving your highest good.

Advice for single individuals:
  • Let go of any past relationships or patterns that are holding you back from finding true love.
  • Reflect on what you truly desire in a partner and a relationship.
  • Don't settle for less than what you deserve.

Advice for individuals in relationships or marriages:
  • Reevaluate the current state of your relationship.
  • Communicate openly and honestly with your partner.
  • Work together to create a relationship that aligns with both of your values and desires.

Overall, the 8 of Cups is a powerful and transformative tarot card that encourages us to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace new beginnings. Trust in the universe and have faith that by following your heart, you will find true fulfillment and happiness in all areas of your life.