King of Swords Tarot Card Upright, Reversed, Timing, Love Meaning, Yes/No, Advice, and more

Learn absolutely everything about King of Swords tarot card: the meaning, the spiritual interpretation, the love meaning, the card as advice, as a yes or no answer, the timing, the numerology... EVERYTHING!

King of Swords Rider Waite

Upright King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

analytical, intellectual, articulate, just, knowledgeable, ethical

Reversed King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

misuse of power, militant, cruelty, evil intentions

King of Swords Tarot Card Astrology, Zodiac Signs, and Planets


The Meaning of King of Swords Tarot Card

The King of Swords is one of the 78 tarot cards and is often considered a symbol of power, authority, and mental clarity. This card represents the intellectual and logical aspects of the mind and encourages us to think critically before making decisions. As a tarot reader, I interpret the King of Swords as someone who is strong-willed, fair, and honest, but also analytical and emotionally detached.

The King of Swords can also represent legal matters, including contracts, negotiations, and lawsuits. This card advises us to seek legal advice when making important decisions and to approach any legal situation with a clear and level-headed mindset.

Additionally, the King of Swords can be seen as a symbol of leadership and discipline. This card reminds us that in order to be successful, we must be focused, disciplined, and strategic in our approach to life. It encourages us to set clear goals, establish boundaries, and stay committed to our values.

A Description of King of Swords Tarot Card

In the Rider Waite Tarot Deck, the King of Swords is depicted as a regal figure sitting on a throne, holding a sword in his right hand and a scales of justice in his left. He wears a blue robe and a crown, indicating his royal status and authority. Behind him is a stormy sky, suggesting that he is unafraid to face challenges and difficulties head-on.

The sword he holds represents his intellect and analytical nature, while the scales of justice symbolize his impartiality and fairness. Overall, the King of Swords is a powerful and commanding figure who exudes a sense of authority and control.

Mundane and Everyday Meanings of King of Swords Tarot Card

  • Legal documents
  • Computer or other technology devices
  • Glasses or contact lenses
  • Books or other intellectual materials
  • Sharp objects such as knives or scissors

List of Situations:

  • Legal disputes or negotiations
  • Intellectual pursuits such as research or writing
  • Management or leadership roles
  • Dealing with difficult or analytical people
  • Situations that require objectivity and fairness

Timing of King of Swords Tarot Card

The King of Swords indicates a timing of about 3 months. This specifically corresponds to a time where you are feeling particularly rational, mindful, and logical.

Numerology of King of Swords Tarot Card

The number associated with the King of Swords is four, which represents stability, order, and structure. This number reminds us to establish strong foundations, to set clear boundaries, and to stay grounded in our approach to life. It encourages us to be organized and disciplined, and to prioritize our responsibilities and commitments.

Spiritual Interpretation of King of Swords Tarot Card

From a spiritual perspective, the King of Swords is seen as a symbol of truth and wisdom. This card encourages us to seek knowledge and understanding in our spiritual journeys, and to approach our spiritual practices with a clear and rational mind. It reminds us to remain objective and analytical in our approach to spirituality, while also staying open to new ideas and perspectives.

The King of Swords can also represent the power of words and communication. This card advises us to use our words wisely, to speak truthfully and honestly, and to communicate our thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively. It reminds us that our words have the power to shape our reality, and that we must use them responsibly.

King of Swords as an Advice Card

For Work:

If you draw the King of Swords in a work-related reading, it may be a sign that you need to adopt a more analytical and strategic approach to your work. This card advises you to set clear goals and objectives, establish boundaries, and stay focused on your priorities. It also encourages you to communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly and confidently, and to use your intellect and analytical skills to solve problems and overcome challenges.

For Personal Growth:

If you draw the King of Swords in a personal growth reading, it may be a sign that you need to cultivate more mental clarity and discipline in your life. This card advises you to prioritize your responsibilities and commitments, and to stay focused on your goals and aspirations. It also encourages you to stay grounded and objective in your approach to life, and to use your intellect and analytical skills to make decisions and navigate challenges.

Further Advice from this card:
  • use your head
  • articulate and communicate clearly
  • make an ethical decision

Is King of Swords a yes or no?

Note: Tarot Cards are never as simple as "yes" or "no". There is always a bigger context or meaning behind each card, in each situation. The following list is meant as a guideline or suggestion only.
Yes, with rational reasons
No, reversed.

Love and Relationships Interpretation of King of Swords Tarot Card

If you are single and draw the King of Swords in a love-related reading, it may be a sign that you need to approach potential partners with a clear and objective mindset. This card advises you to look for someone who is intelligent, analytical, and emotionally mature, and to avoid getting caught up in romantic fantasies or illusions.

If you are in a relationship or marriage and draw the King of Swords in a love-related reading, it may be a sign that you need to communicate more clearly and honestly with your partner. This card advises you to approach any conflicts or disagreements with a rational and objective mindset, and to avoid getting caught up in emotional drama or manipulation. It also encourages you to establish clear boundaries and expectations in your relationship, and to stay committed to your values and priorities.

Advice for Single People:

  • Approach potential partners with a clear and rational mindset
  • Look for someone who is intelligent, analytical, and emotionally mature
  • Avoid getting caught up in romantic fantasies or illusions

Advice for People in Relationships and Marriages:

  • Communicate more clearly and honestly with your partner
  • Approach conflicts and disagreements with a rational and objective mindset
  • Establish clear boundaries and expectations in your relationship
  • Stay committed to your values and priorities

Overall, the King of Swords is a powerful and commanding figure who reminds us to stay focused, disciplined, and strategic in our approach to life. Whether we are dealing with legal matters, intellectual pursuits, or spiritual growth, this card advises us to stay grounded and objective, and to use our intellect and analytical skills to navigate challenges and achieve success.