Life Path 9 - The Humanitarian

Learn about Life Path Number 9 in numerology: the good traits, the bad traits, good careers, and what it means for your life path.

Archetype of Life Path 9

The Humanitarian

Calculate Your Life Path Number

Good Qualities

humble, strong, adaptable, generous, enlightened, compassionate, aware, diverse, spiritual, intelligent

Toxic Traits and Bad Qualities

unfocused, emotional, lacking ambition
Life Path Number9 in Numerology

Description of Life Path 9

The Good: Those born with numerology life path 9 have a little bit of the traits of everyone in them, and this causes Life Path 9 people to be extremely understanding and generous. They understand where everyone else is coming from, get along with people of all types, and genuinely desire and work towards making the world a better place for everyone. Life Path 9 people are natural philanthropists, and you can often find Life Path 9 people donating their time, money, and energy to other people and humanitarian causes.

The Bad: Because Life Path 9 people are so humanitarian and philanthropic, they might struggle to give enough energy to themselves and become imbalanced. When a Life Path 9 person becomes very imbalanced, they can actually swing to the exact opposite of their nature and become selfish, overbearing, and greedy.

Natural Abilities of Life Path 9

  • Giving
  • Successful without Pride

Good Careers for Life Path 9

  • Teaching
  • Child Care
  • Volunteer Work
  • Humanitarian Law
  • Politics
  • Advocate