Queen of Swords Tarot Card Upright, Reversed, Timing, Love Meaning, Yes/No, Advice, and more

Learn absolutely everything about Queen of Swords tarot card: the meaning, the spiritual interpretation, the love meaning, the card as advice, as a yes or no answer, the timing, the numerology... EVERYTHING!

Queen of Swords Rider Waite

Upright Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

direct, using logic over emotion, witty, experienced, honest, astute

Reversed Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

bitchy, easily influenced, prudish, cold, brash, over-reacting

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Astrology, Zodiac Signs, and Planets


The Meaning of Queen of Swords Tarot Card

The Queen of Swords is a tarot card that often represents clarity, rationality, and the power of the mind. She embodies a strong and independent woman who has overcome challenges and obstacles by using her intellect and sharp wit. This card represents a powerful female archetype that is capable of facing any situation with intelligence, wisdom, and logic.

In spiritual tarot readings, the Queen of Swords can also represent the need for detachment, objectivity, and self-reliance. She reminds us to think before we act and to use our intuition and intellect to make decisions. This card can also indicate the importance of being honest with ourselves and others, even if it is difficult or uncomfortable. The Queen of Swords invites us to embrace our inner strength and to trust in our own judgment.

A Description of Queen of Swords Tarot Card

In the Rider Waite Tarot Deck version of the Queen of Swords card, we see a woman seated on a throne, holding a sword in her right hand and pointing it upward. Her left hand is outstretched, as if beckoning someone to approach. The sky behind her is cloudy, suggesting that she has faced challenges and difficulties in her life. She is dressed in a flowing gown, with a cloak draped over her shoulders, indicating her regal and dignified nature.

The Queen of Swords appears confident and in control, but her expression is serious and stern. This suggests that she is not easily swayed by emotions and is focused on rationality and logic. The sword in her hand represents her sharp mind, her ability to cut through confusion and illusion, and her willingness to defend herself and others.

Mundane and Everyday Meanings of Queen of Swords Tarot Card

List of Physical Objects

  • A sword
  • A throne
  • A crown
  • A robe
  • A book

The Queen of Swords tarot card represents a powerful and independent woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. She is intelligent, rational, and analytical, and she values truth and clarity above all else. In a reading, the card can indicate that the querent or someone in their life embodies these qualities.

List of Situations the Card Could Represent

  • A difficult decision that requires careful consideration and analysis
  • A time to be objective and detached in order to make the best choice
  • A legal matter or negotiation
  • A period of loneliness or isolation
  • A time to focus on intellectual pursuits or education

When the Queen of Swords appears in a reading, it can suggest that the querent needs to approach a situation with clear-headed logic and reason rather than letting emotions cloud their judgment. The card can also indicate a need for independence and self-sufficiency, as well as a desire to pursue knowledge and education.

Timing of Queen of Swords Tarot Card

The Queen of Swords indicates a timing of about 3 months. This specifically corresponds to a time where you are feeling particularly emotionally detached from a situation.

Numerology of Queen of Swords Tarot Card

The Queen of Swords is associated with the number 13, which is often seen as a number of transformation and upheaval. In numerology, 13 is reduced to 4 (1+3), which is associated with stability, practicality, and groundedness. This can suggest that while the Queen of Swords may be going through a period of change and upheaval, she is ultimately guided by a strong sense of stability and practicality.

Spiritual Interpretation of Queen of Swords Tarot Card

From a spiritual perspective, the Queen of Swords represents the energy of the archangel Metatron, who is associated with wisdom and spiritual insight. The card can indicate a need for the querent to connect with their inner wisdom and intuition in order to make the best decisions and navigate difficult situations. It can also suggest a need to communicate honestly and authentically with others, even if it is uncomfortable or unpopular.

Queen of Swords as an Advice Card

For Work

If you are facing a difficult decision or situation at work, the Queen of Swords advises you to approach it with clear-headed logic and rational thinking. Use your intelligence and wisdom to find the best solution, and don't let your emotions cloud your judgment. If necessary, seek out the advice of others who can provide a different perspective and help you see the situation more objectively.

For Personal Growth

The Queen of Swords encourages you to embrace your independence and cultivate your inner wisdom. Focus on your own personal growth and development, and don't be afraid to speak your truth and stand up for yourself. It's important to prioritize your own needs and desires, even if it means setting boundaries or saying no to others. Remember that your own wisdom and strength will guide you through difficult situations.

Further Advice from this card:
  • make the logical decision
  • communicate directly
  • control your emotions
  • embrace your intelligence

Is Queen of Swords a yes or no?

Note: Tarot Cards are never as simple as "yes" or "no". There is always a bigger context or meaning behind each card, in each situation. The following list is meant as a guideline or suggestion only.
Yes, not too emotional
No, reversed.

Love and Relationships Interpretation of Queen of Swords Tarot Card

For Single People

The Queen of Swords can suggest a need for independence and self-sufficiency in your love life. Take the time to focus on your own personal growth and development, and don't rush into a relationship just for the sake of being with someone. When you do meet someone, make sure that they respect your independence and value your intellect and wisdom.

For People in Relationships and Marriages

If you are in a relationship or marriage, the Queen of Swords advises you to communicate honestly and authentically with your partner. Use your wisdom and insight to navigate any difficulties that arise, and don't be afraid to set boundaries or speak your truth. It's important to prioritize your own needs and desires in the relationship, while also respecting your partner's feelings and perspective.

Advice for Love and Relationships

  • Embrace your independence and prioritize your own personal growth and development.
  • Communicate honestly and authentically with your partner.
  • Use your wisdom and insight to navigate any difficulties that arise.
  • Set boundaries and prioritize your own needs and desires.
  • Respect your partner's feelings and perspective.


The Queen of Swords tarot card represents a powerful and independent woman who values truth, clarity, and wisdom above all else. In a reading, the card can suggest a need for clear-headed logic and rational thinking, as well as a desire for independence and self-sufficiency. From a spiritual perspective, the card represents the energy of the archangel Metatron, who is associated with wisdom and spiritual insight. Whether you are facing a difficult decision at work, navigating a challenging relationship, or simply seeking personal growth and development, the Queen of Swords can guide you towards clarity, strength, and inner wisdom.