Queen of Cups Tarot Card Upright, Reversed, Timing, Love Meaning, Yes/No, Advice, and more

Learn absolutely everything about Queen of Cups tarot card: the meaning, the spiritual interpretation, the love meaning, the card as advice, as a yes or no answer, the timing, the numerology... EVERYTHING!

Queen of Cups Rider Waite

Upright Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

tender, loving, patient, intuitive, kind, gentle, open, empathy, spiritual, sees beauty in all things

Reversed Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

co-dependency, lack of empathy, self-love, uncaring, underdeveloped empath, emotionally manipulative

Queen of Cups Tarot Card Astrology, Zodiac Signs, and Planets

Gemini, pisces, cancer

The Meaning of Queen of Cups Tarot Card

The Queen of Cups tarot card represents emotional intelligence, empathy, and intuition. She is the embodiment of the feminine principle and represents the power of the heart over the mind. The Queen of Cups is deeply connected to her emotions and intuition, which guide her in her decisions and actions.

She reminds us to trust our intuition and emotions, to be compassionate and nurturing to ourselves and others, and to let our heart lead the way. The Queen of Cups is also associated with the element of water, which symbolizes emotions, creativity, and intuition.

When this card appears in a tarot reading, it may indicate a need to tap into our emotions and intuition, to be kind and nurturing to ourselves and others, and to be open and receptive to new experiences.

A Description of Queen of Cups Tarot Card

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck version of the Queen of Cups depicts a woman sitting on a throne by the ocean, holding a cup in her hand. She wears a flowing blue gown and a crown adorned with pearls and a crescent moon. The ocean behind her represents the deep emotions and mysteries of the unconscious mind.

The Queen of Cups is holding the cup with both hands, a sign of her reverence and respect for her emotions and intuition. The cup itself is adorned with images of angels and winged beings, symbolizing the spiritual and intuitive nature of this card.

Mundane and Everyday Meanings of Queen of Cups Tarot Card

Physical Objects

  • Cups, mugs, and other vessels
  • Pearls, moonstones, and other gemstones associated with the moon
  • Artistic and creative tools, such as paintbrushes and canvases
  • Wavy or flowing clothing, such as skirts or dresses


  • Being in touch with one's emotions and intuition
  • Being nurturing and compassionate towards oneself and others
  • Being creative and artistic
  • Being in tune with one's spiritual side

Timing of Queen of Cups Tarot Card

The Queen of Cups indicates a timing of about 1 year. This specifically corresponds to a time where you feel a lot of empathy and compassion.

Numerology of Queen of Cups Tarot Card

The Queen of Cups is associated with the number 13, which is often considered a mystical or magical number. In numerology, 13 is a karmic number that represents transformation and change.

When the number 13 appears in a tarot reading, it may indicate a period of transformation and spiritual growth. It may also suggest that there are karmic lessons to be learned, and that we are being called to let go of old patterns and beliefs in order to embrace new ones.

The Queen of Cups also has a connection to the number 4, which represents stability, structure, and foundation. This number reminds us to build our lives on a solid foundation of emotional intelligence, empathy, and intuition, which will help us navigate the challenges and changes of life with grace and ease.

Spiritual Interpretation of Queen of Cups Tarot Card

The Queen of Cups tarot card is a powerful symbol of spiritual connection, intuition, and empathy. She reminds us to connect with our inner guidance and to trust our intuition, which is a direct link to the divine.

The Queen of Cups is also a symbol of emotional healing and nurturing. She encourages us to be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others, and to create a space of safety and healing in our lives.

When this card appears in a tarot reading, it may indicate that it is time to connect with our spiritual side and to open ourselves up to higher guidance. It may also indicate a need for emotional healing and self-care.

Queen of Cups as an Advice Card

For Work

  • Trust your intuition and emotions when making decisions
  • Be kind and nurturing to yourself and your colleagues
  • Tap into your creativity and artistic side
  • Create a space of safety and healing in the workplace

For Personal Growth

  • Connect with your spiritual side and trust your inner guidance
  • Practice self-care and emotional healing
  • Be compassionate and nurturing to yourself and others
  • Embrace your creativity and artistic talents

Further Advice from this card:
  • have empathy
  • be loving
  • be nurturing

Is Queen of Cups a yes or no?

Note: Tarot Cards are never as simple as "yes" or "no". There is always a bigger context or meaning behind each card, in each situation. The following list is meant as a guideline or suggestion only.
Yes, unless reversed.

Love and Relationships Interpretation of Queen of Cups Tarot Card

The Queen of Cups is a card that is strongly associated with emotional intelligence, empathy, and nurturing. In the context of love and relationships, this card suggests that we need to focus on building emotional intimacy and connection with our partners. This means being emotionally available, supportive, and compassionate towards them.

For single people, the Queen of Cups advises that you trust your intuition when choosing partners. This means paying attention to how you feel when you are with someone, and being aware of any red flags or warning signs that may indicate that this person is not the right match for you. It also means being kind and compassionate to yourself, and not settling for someone who does not treat you with the love and respect you deserve.

For Single People

If you are single, the Queen of Cups advises that you take some time to focus on your own emotional healing and self-care. This means getting in touch with your own feelings and needs, and learning how to nurture and care for yourself. It also means exploring your creative and artistic side, as this can be a great way to connect with your own emotions and tap into your intuition.

When you are ready to start dating again, the Queen of Cups advises that you approach it from a place of emotional intelligence and empathy. This means being open to new experiences and relationships, but also being aware of your own emotional boundaries and needs. It means being willing to communicate openly and honestly with potential partners, and being willing to listen and empathize with them as well.

  • Trust your intuition when choosing partners
  • Be kind and compassionate to yourself and others
  • Focus on building emotional intimacy and connection
  • Explore your creative and artistic side

For People in Relationships and Marriages

If you are in a relationship or marriage, the Queen of Cups advises that you focus on building emotional intimacy and connection with your partner. This means being willing to be vulnerable and share your emotions and feelings with them, as well as being willing to listen and empathize with their emotions and feelings as well. It means creating a safe and nurturing space in your relationship, where both partners feel supported and loved.

The Queen of Cups also advises that you practice empathy and compassion in your interactions with your partner. This means being willing to see things from their perspective, even if you do not agree with them. It means being willing to offer emotional support and comfort when your partner is going through a tough time, and being willing to receive emotional support and comfort from them when you are going through a tough time as well.

Finally, the Queen of Cups advises that you explore your spiritual and intuitive connection with your partner. This means being open to exploring new spiritual practices and beliefs together, as well as tapping into your own intuition and inner guidance to deepen your connection with each other. It means creating a space where you can both connect on a deeper level, and feel supported and loved in all aspects of your relationship.

  • Be emotionally available and supportive to your partner
  • Practice empathy and compassion in your interactions
  • Create a space of safety and healing in your relationship
  • Explore your spiritual and intuitive connection with your partner

In conclusion, the Queen of Cups tarot card represents emotional intelligence, empathy, and intuition. She encourages us to trust our inner guidance and to be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others. When this card appears in a tarot reading, it may indicate a need for emotional healing and self-care, as well as a call to connect with our spiritual side and tap into our creative and artistic talents.